Welcome to OSH ProCare Consultant & Services
OSH ProCare Consultant & Services (OSH ProCare) provides occupational safety and health (OSH) consultation and services to all industries in Malaysia. OSH ProCare’s consultants are knowledgeable and experienced OSH practitioners with backgrounds in MNC environments and associated with local large industries, SME and public sector.

Occupational Healthcare
Prevention Level 1
OSH ProCare is providing the following service packages for all industries:
- Balance & Healthy Diet
- Heart Health & Diabetes Mellitus
- Physical Exercise & Fitness
- Control of Poor Social Habit
- Stress Management
- Vaccination & Immunization
- Periodical Health Screening

Occupational Healthcare
Prevention Level 2
The service provided is based on the requirement of Part II (Section 5), Part IV (Section 9-13) and Part V (Section 14-16) of the Occupational Safety & Health (Use & Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulation 2000 or USECHH 2000.
Chemical Hazardous to Health (CHH)
Ref. OSH (USECHH) Reg. 2000
- Chemical Health Risk Assessment
- Chemical Exposure
- LEV Examination & Testing
- Health / Medical Surveillance

Occupational Healthcare
Prevention Level 2
Noise monitoring service is inclusive of personal and area monitoring (noise mapping) based on the requirement of Factories & Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulation 1989. Hearing conversation service include Otoscopic (Ear Examination) and Audiometric test based on fulfilling the requirement of Factories & Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulation 1989 and OSHA 1994.
Noise & Hearing Conservation
F&M (Noise Exposure) Reg.1989 & OSHA 1994
- Noise Monitoring (Personal & Area)
- Audiometric Testing

OSH Products & Services
OSH-related services provided by OSH ProCare
OSH ProCare Consultant & Services is also offering a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to our client’s OSH training needs, whether you are a small, medium or large industrial players, local or multinational organization.
- OSH Training Series
- Fire Protection System (FPS)
- PPE & Control Equipment
- OSH Consultancy

Welcome to OSH ProCare Consultant & Services
OSH ProCare Consultant & Services (OSH ProCare) provides occupational safety and health (OSH) consultation and services to all industries in Malaysia. OSH ProCare’s consultants are knowledgeable and experienced OSH practitioners with backgrounds in MNC environments and associated with local large industries, SME and public sector.
Occupational Healthcare
Prevention Level 1
OSH ProCare is providing the following service packages for all industries:
- Balance & Healthy Diet
- Heart Health & Diabetes Mellitus
- Physical Exercise & Fitness
- Control of Poor Social Habit
- Stress Management
- Vaccination & Immunization
- Periodical Health Screening
Occupational Healthcare
Prevention Level 2
The service provided is based on the requirement of Part II (Section 5), Part IV (Section 9-13) and Part V (Section 14-16) of the Occupational Safety & Health (Use & Standards of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulation 2000 or USECHH 2000.
Chemical Hazardous to Health (CHH)
Ref. OSH (USECHH) Reg. 2000
- Chemical Health Risk Assessment
- Chemical Exposure
- LEV Examination & Testing
- Health / Medical Surveillance
Occupational Healthcare
Prevention Level 2
Noise monitoring service is inclusive of personal and area monitoring (noise mapping) based on the requirement of Factories & Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulation 1989. Hearing conversation service include Otoscopic (Ear Examination) and Audiometric test based on fulfilling the requirement of Factories & Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulation 1989 and OSHA 1994.
Noise & Hearing Conservation
F&M (Noise Exposure) Reg.1989 & OSHA 1994
- Noise Monitoring (Personal & Area)
- Audiometric Testing
OSH Products & Services
OSH-related services provided by OSH ProCare
OSH ProCare Consultant & Services is also offering a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to our client’s OSH training needs, whether you are a small, medium or large industrial players, local or multinational organization.
- OSH Training Series
- Fire Protection System (FPS)
- PPE & Control Equipment
- OSH Consultancy
OSH ProCare Consultant & Service
OSH ProCare Consultant & Services (OSH ProCare) provides occupational safety and health (OSH) services such as consultation, assessment, monitoring, surveillance, training, and equipment supply to clients particularly employers throughout Malaysia. OSH ProCare’s service providers are seasoned OSH practitioners in different field of expertise, backgrounds, and experiences within the public and private multi-national company (MNC) environments.

Our Services

Occupational Safety Consultancy
The ideal recession buster – Save now by using our Occupational Safety (OS) Consultancy service and reduce your overheads.

Occupational Health & Hygiene Consultancy
The service package provided is based on the 3 levels of prevention in occupational health and hygiene approach: Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Prevention for all types of industries

Responsible Care® Consultancy
OSH ProCare also provides Responsible Care (RC) Consultancy for organization to implement and sustain RCMS in their organization to suit their business needs particularly in fulfilling corporate and global ESG expectations.

Occupational Safety & Health Training
OSH ProCare is also offering a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to our client’s OSH training needs, whether you are a small, medium or large industrial players, local or multinational organization.

Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
OSH ProCare also supplied Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including protective clothing for workers based on the accounted hazard and risk exposure at work.
About OSH ProCare
“Making A Living Begins with Respecting Safety & Health of Yourself & People around You”
We believe that all occupational-related injuries & illness can be prevented if safety & health risks are managed in an efficient & effective manner.

First Aid Training Participant
Biological Monitoring for Health Surveillance

HIRARC Training & Project
Meet Our Team

Radzi bin Abdul Rashid
Principal Consultant cum General Manager