Occupational Safety Consultancy
The ideal recession buster – Save now by using our Occupational Safety (OS) Consultancy service and reduce your overheads.
Occupational Health & Hygiene Consultancy
The service package provided is based on the 3 levels of prevention in occupational health and hygiene approach: Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Prevention for all types of industries.
Responsible Care® Consultancy
OSH ProCare also provides Responsible Care (RC) Consultancy for organization to implement and sustain RCMS in their organization to suit their business needs particularly in fulfilling corporate and global ESG expectations.
Occupational Safety & Health Training
OSH ProCare is also offering a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to our client’s OSH training needs, whether you are a small, medium or large industrial players, local or multinational organization.
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
OSH ProCare also supplied Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including protective clothing for workers based on the accounted hazard and risk exposure at work.
Our Services
Occupational Safety & Health Training
OSH ProCare is also offering a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to our client’s OSH training needs, whether you are a small, medium or large industrial players, local or multinational organization.
Occupational Health & Hygiene Consultancy
The service package provided is based on the 3 levels of prevention in occupational health and hygiene approach: Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Prevention for all types of industries.
Responsible Care® Consultancy
OSH ProCare also provides Responsible Care (RC) Consultancy for organization to implement and sustain RCMS in their organization to suit their business needs particularly in fulfilling corporate and global ESG expectations.
Occupational Safety & Health Training
OSH ProCare is also offering a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to our client’s OSH training needs, whether you are a small, medium or large industrial players, local or multinational organization.
Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE)
OSH ProCare also supplied Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including protective clothing for workers based on the accounted hazard and risk exposure at work.