Responsible Care® Consultancy

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Responsible Care® is an initiative of the global chemical industry and adopted by chemical companies worldwide to continuously improve safety, health, environmental and security performance of their operations and products in manner responsible to the concerns of the public. The Responsible Care (RC) initiative program by the chemical industry was first introduced in Canada in 1985 and now is implemented worldwide to some 66 countries, including Malaysia as one of the chemical industries’ commitments to improve the industries’ public image as well as their performance in health, safety, environmental and security aspects. RC is managed on a national basis by the chemical industry association in the countries concerned.

In Malaysia, the Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia (CICM) is the sole steward for RC initiative. Historically, Responsible Care was launched by CICM on April 29, 1994. At the launch of RC, 33 chemical companies signed the Certificates of Guiding Principles to mark their companies’ commitment to Responsible Care. To date, there are more than 130 chemical companies which are signatories to RC initiative in Malaysia. RC is not only for only for the chemical industry but also applicable to non-chemical industries / organizations particularly those desire to continuously improve and enhance their OSH, environment, and security performance to higher standards.

With long affiliation with CICM, vast experience, and expertise of its personnel in the implementation of Responsible Care and Responsible Care Management System (RCMS) in Malaysia, OSH ProCare also provides customize in-house Responsible Care Consultancy for organization irrespective of size and industries to implement RCMS in their organization to suit their business need particularly in fulfilling corporate and global Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) expectations. Based on their requirement, the participating organization will be assessed based on their level of achievement in the implementation of seven (7) Responsible Care® Codes of Management Practices, that are : 1. Employee Health & Safety (EHS) Code, 2. Environmental Protection (EP) Code, 3. Process Safety (PS) Code, 4. Distribution Code, 5. Product Stewardship (PSt) Code, 6. Community Awareness & Emergency Response (CAER) Code, and 7. Security Code as defined by the international Responsible Care and CICM as the sole caretaker of Responsible Care in Malaysia.